Friday, August 17, 2007

If you think being marketing-savvy is a recent fad, think again

A great piece in Fast Company shows how self-promotion and creating a personal connection with the prospect goes waaaay back...

"Great Moments in Self Promotion" (Fast Company, July 2007)

Saturday, August 11, 2007

...and a fascinating insight into what caused the Industrial Revolution

Another find on my media scan: "In Dusty Archives, a Theory of Affluence", by Nicholas Wade, discusses a theory by Dr. Gregory Clark on how England in suddenly shifted from an agrarian-based economy to the Industrial Age. Why did this transition occur, and why only in some societies?

In reading the article, it made me reflect on the disparities between North America/Europe and Africa. Is the difference in wealth one of resources, or one of values?

And is all difference in prosperity one of values?

Read the article in the New York Times
(free registration may be required)

Dr. Clark's homepage

YouTube your way to being a better speaker?

An excellent article by communications coach Carmine Gallo in BusinessWeek lists several websites featuring videos that showcase excellent speakers, and what you can discover by watching them...

Read the article here