Thots from a twit
I am having a great time with Twitter ( At first I was using it to report what I'm doing. Now I realize it is a powerful tool to condense a thought into 140 characters or less. Here are some of my original "thots" I have blogged on Twitter recently:
- Leadership: the alchemy of transforming goals into gold. Time is the crucible and passion the catalyst. What will u create today? 7:30 AM Nov 13th from web
- Thot: Effective communication is about shortening the distance between what I am thinking and what you think I am thinking. 12:17 PM Nov 12th from web
- Compromise = i'm unhappy and you're unhappy, a lose-lose deal. Instead, think win-win collaboration: i'm happy and you're happy! 11:07 AM Nov 5th from web
- Question rec'd: as knowledge worker, how to increase one's value? Create a tribe, educate it and lead it! Ideas are free.Using them ain't. 8:38 PM Nov 10th from web
- Thot: "Instead of defining success as the size of your empire, define it as the size of your impact." 5:34 PM Nov 2nd from web
- Davender's definition of Positioning: "what people think of when they think about you, what people say when they talk about you". 9:38 PM Oct 31st from web
- Reminded a client today: Selling is influencing the other person to take a desired action, creating a win-win result. To sell is to lead. 4:40 PM Oct 30th from web
- W: "In history, we'll all be dead" NO! I prefer the Native-american perspective: what impact will what I do now have 7 generations hence? 9:30 AM Oct 28th from web
- @consultingpulse: Great consultants don't need to have the answers, just the right questions... 1:02 PM Oct 26th from web in reply to consultingpulse
- Today's lesson: Fear seduces. Fear excites. But fear consumes. Avoid other people's dramas. Remember your mission, vision and permission. 9:36 PM Oct 23rd from web
- To solve this mess, the world needs more creators and less speculators. Our core values need to shift from consumption to consciousness. 4:15 PM Oct 21st from web
- Note to meeting leaders: If you're done don't fill time with pointless talk. Nobody will complain if you finish early! 11:33 PM Oct 15th from web
- Too much information causes analysis-paralysis and fear. Unplug from the chatter, settle down, and listen to your soul... 5:33 PM Oct 15th from web
- "To an employee, getting paid is a right. To a solopreneur, it is a privilege." See my blog 5:28 PM Sep 20th from web
Labels: communication, leadership, twitter
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