Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Amazon.com review of "Think Big Manifesto"

The right book for right now
April 18, 2009

If you are looking for a step-by-step how-to book, or a feel-good, reassuring motivational book, look elsewhere. Michael Port says it like it is, and I am so grateful for that.

This book has appeared for me at just the right time. In the past weeks I have taken on some big challenges, and I was feeling bogged down and questioning whether I made the right decisions. His point about "Overthrow The Judge", to "control-alt-delete" my inner critic, was the kick in the rear-end I needed.

I really like that Michael presents Big Thinking as something accessible to all. The examples he uses are short, punchy vignettes that directly relate to my own experience and encourage me to move to action. No mystical guru-talk or quantum mechanics here (Okay a spiel about Fibonacci numbers but that's it).

This book is too valuable to be stored on my bookshelf. I am keeping it in full view on my desk as a constant reminder to "control-alt-delete" my internal critic, and to think and act bigger about who I am and what I offer the world.

"The Think Big Manifesto" is a bold, no-nonsense and heartfelt call to action. Don't just read it, join the Revolution and live it!

Amazon.com link (no affiliate):

Amazon.ca link (no affiliate):

Main site: http://thinkbigmanifesto.com

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