Burt Dubin's Definition of an Expert
Burt Dubin helps Speakers get booked. Here is a gem of wisdom from one of his articles:
I recommend that you sign up for his Speaking Biz Strategies Letter because even though the focus is on professional speakers, the ideas he shares apply to helping any solo professional get noticed and booked.
Link to article on Burt Dubin's log: http://bit.ly/euVJn
An expert is not someone who knows what he knows.
An expert is someone who is known for knowing what he knows.
- Burt Dubin
I recommend that you sign up for his Speaking Biz Strategies Letter because even though the focus is on professional speakers, the ideas he shares apply to helping any solo professional get noticed and booked.
Link to article on Burt Dubin's log: http://bit.ly/euVJn
Labels: marketing, positioning
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