Monday, August 10, 2009

Podcast: Got Mojo? The Spark That Makes Your Product Come Alive

What is "Mojo"?

Mojo is the passion of the message that attracts people to what you're creating and to listen to what you have to say...

Mojo is the spark that gives a product a life of its own...

Mojo is what transforms your product from "just another e-book/teleclass/web site" to something that stands out and gets people to take notice...

Mojo is the personality of your product that makes people go "WOW"...

Your product is more than a "product": it is a commitment to who you are and what you stand for. Your product communicates your passion, your personality, your particular spark.

A product can be well-designed, well-built and of high-quality, but without Mojo it will have trouble succeeding. Mojo is what brings your product to life.

In this call, we'll explore the various elements of finding, caring for, and feeding your Product's Mojo.

You'll discover simple practices and attitudes that you can use every day to plug into the passion that you have for your concept, and set in motion the magical power that transforms your Product from Passion to Profit.

Listen to mp3 RT 53m18s 6.1MB:

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