Thursday, March 08, 2007

I Got Powered Up with "Power Within" in Ottawa

I attended the "Power Within " conference in Ottawa on March 6, 2007 - a powerful day in a sold-out room (5000 at the Ottawa Congress Centre) with seven amazing speakers presenting ideas on leadership and passion (in order of appearance):
And because Tony Robbins was headlining... I just had to be there to see him in person for my first time! I've posted my notes on the day, along with some personal observations and comments, here.

We all need to get our passion tanks refilled from time to time. The key to getting one's money's worth from these events is to move into action, a specific, tangible action to anchor the learning. My action steps were first to post my notes from the event on my site (done). I also purchased Tony Robbins' "Time of Your Life" ten-day planning and action program to get some ideas I can incorporate into my own life and to help my clients. (Actually, purchasing is not enough - I've already listened to CD#1 and will let you know how the ten-day program turns out!)

If you ever get an opportunity to see a Power Within event (they are held across Canada), I highly, highly recommend it! I make it a point to attend at least one per year.

Favorite quote from the day - from Andy Nullman:
"The possibility of failure defines your success. If everything works, you're playint it too safe! Remember, failure is but a temporary state..."
Link to the my article:

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