Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A thought about intentions

"It is not good enough for things to be planned - they still have to be done; for the intention to become a reality, energy has to be launched into operation."

- Walt Kelly (1913-1973, cartoonist,

Now that January is half-over (already!), what good resolutions are still waiting for you to act on them? What baby step can you take right now to get them moving?

Get some powerful tools with tonight's teleclass:



Join the January SoloSuccess telediscussion
Topic: "From Resolution to Reality"
Wednesday, January 16, 2008, from 8-9pm Eastern/NY. Tuition: Free
Led by Coach Davender Gupta

So many resolutions are made on New Year's Eve, only to disappear
after the next day because nothing really changes. Or can you change
this old "reality" and create a new one instead? Go beyond the tired,
worn out advice to discover three real and practical concepts that
work in transforming your resolutions into reality.

This interactive discussion is for solopreneurs, professionals,
home-based entrepreneurs and anyone who wants to ignite a quantum
change in their business results. You will discover three fundamental
steps about transforming your resolutions into results, that are simple,
but are rarely fully implemented.

Call number: 616-597-8000 code 225965#

Looking forward to meeting you on the call tonight, 8pm EASTERN!


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