Friday, January 18, 2008

Airsick: Industrial Devolution

This is a powerful video that made me think about, on one hand, the urgency of climate change, and on the other hand the power of communicating clearly and simply. Here's the description of the video project from
"[...]The Star's Lucas Oleniuk started with a simple idea: to illustrate the phenomenon of climate change with images taken in our own back yard.

Armed with a concept and a camera, he set out for 20 days in Ontario - capturing some 40,000 time-lapse images in the process. Of those, about 20,000 were used to create the video you are about to see.

"Airsick: An Industrial Devolution" is more than just another video. It is a statement, a warning, a wake-up call. And it dovetails perfectly with the Star's commitment to Earth Hour, a global action slated for March 29 - when people in cities around the world will turn out their lights for an hour to take a stand against climate change. (The Earth Hour organization calls our changing weather patterns "the greatest threat our planet has ever faced.")[...]"

Business is an expression of who we are. If we cut corners to reduce prices, at the cost of our environment, then we are cutting corners to cheapen ourselves, our soul, our essence. A bit of us dies when we poison our environment.

True profit comes when all stakeholders benefit, whether they are directly or indirectly impacted by the activity.

How does your business project make the world a better place for all?

HD link (full-screen)

Article on