Thursday, February 07, 2008

I'm living a 100 Day Challenge

I am a member of, a "social network for coaches". Many of my methods and tools have roots in the ideas taught by Coachville's Head Coach, Coach Dave Buck and its founder, Thomas Leonard.

Coach Dave and the Coachville team have set up the 100 Day Challenge to encourage coaches to get off their butts and do something (my words!). Each day for the next 100 days, there are support calls, forums and encouragement to take on an "action-oriented project" that is "disruptive to your routine". (i.e. pull me out of my comfort zone)

My project in this 100 Day Challenge is to write 100 "chapters" on the topic "From Passion to Profit" in 100 days. For me, a "chapter" is 1 to 3 pages on an idea related to the topic. To do so, I have set aside an hour each working day (adjacent to the time set aside for the check-in call with my coach).

I've been wanting to get into a regular writing habit for a long time... it sort of comes and goes (see the timelines on my blog, I have a spurt for a couple of weeks and then a dry spell...) With the support of Coach Dave, Coach TerriZ and the rest of the Coachville Member Services Team, I want to break through this barrier and develop a new ritual of daily writing.

The win with this 100 Day Challenge is that I will have generated all of the content required to finally organize my book, that I want to launch in e-book format (in English) and p-book (in French) this fall. I've been talking about this for years, now it is time (not that the time has been wasted, since I have been testing and refining the concepts in my coaching practice... it's just that now the gestation and deliver the baby!)

During my 100-day disruptive, action-oriented journey, I will be sharing my results with you in this blog.

I definitely want to write real soon about the importance of an action-oriented project and disrupting your routine...

Gotta go now, it's time to write!


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