Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Thoughts on offering an affiliate program

Are you considering offering an affiliate program to get customers? Here are some thoughts on making it effective:

1. Most affiliate bonuses are too small to be meaningful. Make it an amount that grabs my attention, or relate it to the cost of the service (i.e. affiliate bonus of 25% of the final contract)

2. Determining the bonus amount:

a. What is your total cost to acquire a customer (include networking, advertising, marketing, websites, everything, then divide by the number of customers signed up)

b.The affiliate bonus should then equivalent to your customer acquisition cost.
(i.e. do not run an affiliate program to decrease customer acquisition costs... at least not at first)

3. An affiliate program should primarily have as goal to save your *time* to get customers (not necessarily cutting customer acquisition costs). Getting quality referrals is also a benefit, if the system is well set-up.

4. For service providers (coaches, consultants, etc) make the offer you are promoting through affiliates very clear. Make all promotional material, etc easy. Provide the words and the scripts for me as your affiliate to approach my contacts.

5. Have a good tracking and accounting system in place so that the bonuses go to the right person.

6. Offering your services as bonus is not necessarily a good motivator. See my article on pro-bono offers here: http://is.gd/iPdA that has applicable arguments against offering your products and services for no money or as exchange.

7. Think long and hard before offering an affiliate program. It does not work well to start or revive a customer base, but it is okay as an add-on to existing marketing efforts. Your best connectors are usually not motivated by money (and may even be turned off or even insulted when you offer it to them). Sometimes love is a bigger motivator than money!

What are your thoughts?

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Monday, February 23, 2009

Are you a Rainmaker?

"Pessimists complain about the noise when opportunity knocks."
- Chuck Gallozzi

In sales, a "rainmaker" is someone who is able to generate lots of sales really fast, usually because they have a very good network of contacts. In the way I use the term, "Rainmaker" is someone who is the go-to person within a network to find a resource or to get something done. A Rainmaker is someone who makes it rain opportunity for everyone around them.

Are you a Rainmaker? Here are some practices of successful Rainmakers:

1 - Rainmakers love people.

Rainmakers are passionate students of people. They know what questions to ask to determine what makes people special. You can either get to know someone deep, like Harvey Mackay's "66 Questions" (http://www.harveymackay.com/tools/mackay66.cfm ) or start with the "Coach Davender Three":

- What is your highest priority at the moment?
- How do you envision success at achieving this priority?
- What are you looking for to help you move forward towards success with this priority? (contacts, resources, assistance)

2 - Rainmakers are connectors.

Creating value goes beyond providing our products and services in a commercial way. Rainmakers understand that the highest value we can provide someone is connecting them with someone who can help them win at what's important to them. Rainmakers look for patterns in the information they collect, and from those patterns determine who in their networks would benefit from mutually connecting. They master the art of giving good referrals.

3 - Rainmakers make friends first.

Rainmakers are master trust builders, because they know that trust is the ultimate currency. They do what is right for the other person, not just what is profitable financially, acting first and foremost from a place of love. By first ensuring that a connection of personal trust is in place, they create loyalty that lasts a long time.

4 - Rainmakers are open.

Rainmakers keep their eyes open and their ear to the ground, alert to opportunities that can benefit their network. Rainmakers are comfortable in a sea of information, and know how to recognize the nuggets that can be valuable to people around them.

5 - Rainmakers make opportunities

Rainmakers don't wait for things to happen, they make them happen. They understand that to become prosperous, you need to be the one that puts the wheel of prosperity into motion, by giving without expectation of return. It takes faith, in the future, in others, in oneself, to be a successful Rainmaker.

When I first arrived in a new city (Quebec) and a new language (French) back in 2005, with no connections or friends, the first thing I did was to become a Rainmaker. I made connections with many people that I met, finding out about their priorities, their vision of success and what they wanted. As I met more and more people, I started connecting them together, a practice I continue even today. And the effort I've put into this has come back to me many times over, as trust, respect, and opportunities.

How can you start becoming a Rainmaker? Meet someone today for the sheer pleasure of meeting them. Get to know who they are, their needs, desires, their projects and priorities, then help them to win at what's important to them. The more you give, the more you eventually gain!

So, for whom will you make it rain opportunities today?

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Open Coaching Tuesday 2PM east - Are you a Rainmaker?

Want More and Better Clients for your service biz? Join the Open Accountability Group Tuesdays at 2PM:

"Get More And Better Clients" Accountability Group with Davender

THIS WEEK'S THEME: Are you a Rainmaker?

This open coaching session focuses on helping you develop your network and get qualified referrals so you can book More and Better Clients. Report your successes big and small from the previous week, and share your Big Hairy Audacious Action Step for the next seven days!

Your action step should be focused on Getting More and Better Clients, using the Networking strategies based on "Book Yourself Solid" by Michael Port (Networking, Direct Outreach, Referral and Keep-In-Touch)

Bring your questions, we'll discuss them!

With Coach Davender
Conference Dial-in Number: (218) 339-4600 Participant Access Code: 191192#
(live teleconference, FREE - you pay the long-distance toll to the conference number)

This accountability call normally takes place every Tuesday at 2pm Eastern, same number. Join us!

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Friday, February 20, 2009

Solicitors will be shot on sight - darn tootin!

I'm having a real tough time biting my tongue and holding back from telling a friend of mine to STOP IT!!!

She is starting a professional practice, and went for advice to her friendly neighbourhood Local Business Development Office (funded by the city and provincial governments). There, they provided her with a "Start Your Own Business" course and the services of a small business counselor. They made her write a big fancy business plan (it's her first time in business), and now are encouraging her to cold-call her "target market" (corporate clients) to offer her services.

Cold-Calling! In 2009! Nooooooo!

As I see it, are two schools of thought in sales:

- one, is the "interruption" approach, positioning yourself in the pathway of consumption, where there is a "need" already being filled on a recurring basis (or about to be filled), and you try to divert that consumption stream towards you; and

- the other, the "attraction" approach, to somehow distinguish yourself from others and generate a "desire" that was not there before in such a way as to draw people towards you who appreciate your value and who are ready to buy.

Interruption selling has a certain (poor) track record of success for commodities, goods and services that look relatively the same from vendor to vendor. Most of the advertising we are subjected to on a minute-by-minute basis falls into this category (all beer is more or less the same, ditto for shampoo, cars, long-distance providers, whatever).

The problem with cold-calling is that it's interruption marketing HEY DO YOU WANT TO BUY MY COLA? of the worst kind. People don't appreciate it, and it's effectiveness is quickly fading away because we get HEY DO YOU WANT TO BUY MY CEREAL? so much of it. Roy Spence, highly successful marketer HEY DO YOU WANT TO BUY MY BATHROOM TISSUE? and author of "It's not what you sell, it's what you stand for", says "People don't wake up in the morning and say i'll have a coffee and another ad, please".

(Did that last paragraph convince you that interruption selling doesn't work?)

Other thoughts about why cold-calling is counter-productive:

- People don't appreciate people who cold-call or cold-emailing. I know that when I receive an e-mail out of the blue from someone pitching their services, I don't get the urge to call them and say "Funny you should ask, I was looking for that!" I actually lump the person who made the cold-call or cold-email into the category of "desperate people". There's a certain long-distance phone company that cold-calls me every few days, always at dinner-time, asking if we want to switch. This has been going on for *years* (cannot complain to CRTC because they are calling from overseas). Do they think that suddenly one day I will say yes?

- It's a hit and miss. What you are looking for is the right combination of three main factors:
.. "right place" (their greatest need or desire matching what you are offering)
.. "right fit" (their expectation of results fits with what you can deliver), and
.. "right time" (their motivation to act matches your timeline).
If you are cold-calling, basically you are throwing a dart at a board while blind-folded. You may hit one or maybe two of the marks, but highly unlikely you will get all three. You end up with a low-quality client that is more trouble to service than it's worth.

- The prospect has the power. Cold-callers usually come across as needy (because you need to convince the prospect they need your services). The moment you do that, you hand the power to the prospect. This is especially problematic in professional services, because the proper relationship is that the client should need you more than you need the client. This creates stronger a stronger trust bond, and the client will respect you and your services so much better.

- Even if you succeed in generating interest, the probability is high that the prospect will start comparison shopping. "Now that you've triggered my interest, I want to compare you with others." Instead of being the preferred supplier, you become a commodity, and you will have to start cutting your price just to get the contract. And especially in professional services, the moment you have to defend why people should choose you rather than others, you have just lost the sale because the trust bond is broken. And trust is central to the value of a professional services provider to a client.

Why is it that many office buildings have a "No Soliciting Allowed" sign right on the front door? Because people don't want to be interrupted. They have their own priorities, issues, goals, projects. And irritating them is no way to start a relationship.

With all these disadvantages, why do people still cold-call? This strategy looks appealing to new solos just starting out because at least you are doing something. It looks like a simple way to get your first clients, in reality it is destructive, demoralizing and just plain wrong.

In 2009, people are just plain tired and fed up with being cold-calling or cold-emailed.

Pour your energies instead into building your positioning and your network, and get qualified referrals of people who appreciate what you have to offer and who are ready to commit. My clients, and myself, have had very good results, quickly and inexpensively, through networking. In the end, the attraction approach to selling is faster and creates a more stable foundation of the right kinds of clients for your business.

p.s. I wonder what would happen if my friend's (government-paid) small business counselor had to cold-call people in the white pages to find out if they're thinking of starting a business, and if so, would they be interested in their services?

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

AuthorTeleseminars: Roy Spence on "It's Not What You Sell" (LiveTweet)

I participated in a fantastic AuthorTeleseminars.com call led by Liz Marshall, as she interviewed Roy Spence, author of "It's Not What You Sell, It's What You Stand For". Also on the call were Andy Wibbels and Suzanne Falter-Barns . You can still grab the audo through this link to AT.com page: http://sn.im/buffz

Here are some thoughts I live-tweeted during the call (last ones first)

This is the ideal time for a passion-driven entrepreneur to bring value to people's lives. Wallets are shut to the old ways." Roy Spence
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"Don't delegate the purpose of your company to someone else"(to marketing dept.) Roy Spence
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Roy Spence: "I realized many years ago that I don't want to be right if I'm wrong" - courage to face truth
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Much "grunt work" of rsching competitors&customers is much easier today b/c of internet. It can be inspiring!
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"You gotta pay the price -hard work- to be exceptional." Roy Spence
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Know yourself, know your competitors, know your terrain (customers) Roy Spence
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Are you bringing your passion to life? 2. Position yourself differently (Google=Help ppl find what they're looking4)
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Are you bringing your passion to life? 1.Articulate your purpose (don't become an imitator) Roy Spence
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"I'll bet on passion every time" Roy Spence
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Passion doesn't have to be a Mother Teresa moment. It is simply what YOU feel strongly about. @andymatic
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Roy Spence mentions Jim Collins' Three Circles (my blog post: http://tinyurl.com/afmjy9
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A "higher calling" biz drives everything within the company so people have more fun (leads to more profits!) Roy Spence
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Brands that succeed have purpose beyond making money (example: Pampers=child development) Roy Spence
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Purpose must start from the top. Are bank CEOs purpose-based leaders? (Look where it has led them) Roy Spence
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Johnson&Johnson: huge company,simple purpose ="To alleviate pain and suffering" Become purpose-based Roy Spence
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"The only ppl who 'make money' is the fed govt coz they print it.The rest of us have to first make a difference
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"People don't wake up in the morning and say I want a cup of coffee and another ad." Roy Spence
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Hey DC:"To save the big, we need to stand tall for small". Past 10 yrs, 80% of jobs r created by biz less than 500employees
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Chill out. Facebook is not The Borg.

It's interesting to follow the storm of debate around Facebook's proposed Terms of Service. To believe the reports, Facebook is the Borg ("Your content will be assimilated, your stuff is now ours. Resistance is futile.") But is this hysteria justified?

Some personal observations about this issue and Facebook in general:

- Facebook has now reverted to their previous version of the Terms of Service, which obviously was satisfactory for everyone who is complaining. But how many of them have read those original TOS? (Can you find them on your Facebook site?)

- Lawyers write contracts and agreements to primarily cover their client's backside (not necessarily to protect the client's clients). When was the last time you read the fine print of your cell phone contract, insurance contract, internet provider contract, blog provider, bank terms of service, etc... even the computer operating system you are using? I'm sure you will find plenty to gripe about!

- Something Facebook has done really well: they have opened this whole issue to a general discussion. (Facebook page: http://is.gd/jVZn ) Conversations build trust, and trust is the main currency of social networks. I wish more companies would do this.

- This shows how "closed" a social network Facebook is (and other platforms are). I read someone saying that "Facebook is the new AOL". Facebook is not the internet, it's a private playground and by stepping into it, you play by their rules.

- Facebook still has a bias towards partying college students (obvious when I set up events: no way to identify networking events or teleclasses or seminars, etc, but a dozen ways to describe a party!) So they have some growing up to do, in order to adapt to their new, older and more serious audience.

- All this said, I am a big proponent of Facebook. It is a great place to connect with people, exchange ideas, build a tribe. It is one of the most stable and popular social media platforms out there. If you are a solopreneur and not yet on Facebook and Twitter, I highly recommend that you jump in now!

Friend me on Facebook at http://profile.to/coachdavender
and on Twitter http://twitter.com/coachdavender

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What is your One Big Thing?

Today I was coaching a client when she mentioned hearing about the "Three Questions" posed by Jim Collins. A quick Google revealed what he calls a "Hedgehog Concept" in his book "Good to Great".

The name "Hedgehog" comes from Isaiah Berlin's essay "The Hedgehog and the Fox", the title is based upon an ancient Greek parable: "The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing." And to build a business that lasts, you need to be the best at One Big Thing.

So what is it, your One Big Thing?

Jim Collins gets us to answer three questions, which I will rephrase and reorder to align with how I coach this concept:

1. What is the One Big Thing you most passionate about?

What is the change that you most want to see in the world, something that you are willing to commit your resources, your time, your life to making happen? Then the second part of this is: Why is this important to you *and* to others? The answer to this question becomes your manifesto, the declaration of who you are and the legacy you are creating. (Read how to write a manifesto here: http://is.gd/jUYo )

You will know that you have a great answer to this first question when you share your manifesto with others and they see you as a leader instead of a mere service provider.

2. What is the One Big Thing you are best in the world at doing?

How I coach this question, is to focus on describing the compelling, lasting impact that you make with your clients, an impact that is memorable and important for the client. And you should be the best in the world at doing this (or at least the best in your world of people who know you!). Remember that the real question behind this question is not "what do you do", but rather "what do you do for them" (your clients).

To really nail the answer to this question, talk to your clients. Get them to describe, in their words, their impressions of the impact you have created for them. Focus on the qualitative (emotions, feelings) as well as the quantitative.

When you have completed this step, you should have a short, compelling "tag line" that encapsulates the most significant impact your create for your client.

3. "What drives your economic engine"?

Your answer to this specific question that Jim Collins asks, provides the bridge between the results you promise and the results your clients get. Here you describe the activities, products and services. Check to make sure each offer you make focuses on expressing the first two questions: that every product and service builds towards the compelling change you wish to see in the world (question 1) by helping clients experience the impact you are best in the world at creating (question 2).

The more you focus your products and services to align with your answers to questions 1 and 2, the more valuable your offers become to your clients, and the more time, effort and money they will be ready to commit to what you offer.

What is Davender's One Big Thing?
(question 1): I believe that entrepreneurship is the key to creating and implementing the positive change that humanity needs in order to get out of the economic, environmental and spiritual mess we find ourselves in at the moment. This is necessary to build a strong foundation for a prosperous and successful 21st Century

(question 2): I Guide People With Big Dreams To Power Their Vision From Passion to Profit. I build 21st Century Leaders.

(question 3): And I do this by offering coaching and learning opportunities that push my clients to go beyond their comfort zone and What I do is to help people make the transition from a dependent "employee" mindset to a confident "entrepreneur" way of thinking, acting and being.

Imagine having this level of clarity - what kind of clients would you attract, and results could you create with them?

Note: This article published under Creative Commons 3.0 licence:

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Thots from a twit (3)

More nuggets of my wisdom that I broadcast through Twitter (@coachdavender):

Thot: Irrational optimism - To see the potential of the future in the chaos of the moment. Essential for biz success.
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·Thot: If your biz depends on advertising to get clients (or even worse, cash flow), then you don't have a business.
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Thot: Don't say "good luck", say "success!". Success is not luck, it's the result of clear intention and hard work.
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Thot: The necessary and sufficient condition for freedom, is that we give ourself permission
to act.
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Thot: Winners help their clients beyond just selling products and services: they connect their clients to their network.
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Thot: Problems are usually the result of faulty assumptions compounded by poor communication (inspired by Thomas Leonard)
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Thot: Something's always impossible until someone does it.
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Thot: As you aim for the stars, don't get distracted by the clouds.
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Thot: Key to winning sales - your confidence must be greater than their doubt (Coach Dave Buck - Coachville)
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Thot: Making money is simple: Create something of value that makes a person's life better. Simple, not easy.
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Thot: Extraordinary goals make for an extraordinary life.
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Thot: Stop pitching your offers! First connect w ppl to help them win with their goals. They'll become your most loyal fans.
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Thot: The essentials of life - food, shelter, air, water, love, dreams
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Thot: In marketing, if you try to fit in, you'll be quickly forgotten.
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Thot: You may be the best at what you do, but if you can't communicate and connect, you'll be the poorest.
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Thot: The speed you get results depends on 2 factors: the intensity of your work and velocity of your actions.
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Saturday, February 14, 2009

When you feel like quitting

"When you think that you are done, you're only at 40% of what your body is capable of doing."
- David Goggins, ultramarathoner

So true, in sport as in life...

From Ashley Mahaffey's blog: http://is.gd/ezDN (main site: http://ashleymahaffey.com )
David Goggins' site: http://www.davidgoggins.com

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Friday, February 13, 2009

It's how you say it

Instead of saying "Good Luck" to people, I say "Success!". Life is not a lottery, succeeding in your goals is the result of clear intention and hard work.

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Monday, February 09, 2009

This Week: More Clients, Your Web Site, Content Marketing, Business Networking

Tuesday, February 10, 2:00pm-2:30pm Eastern
"Get More And Better Clients" Accountability Group with Davender

30 minutes of Laser-Focused Accountability, focused on helping you develop your network and get qualified referrals so you can book More and Better Clients. Report your successes big and small from the previous week, and share your Big Hairy Audacious Action Step for the next seven days! Your action step should be focused on Getting More and Better Clients, using the Networking strategies based on "Book Yourself Solid" by Michael Port (Networking, Direct Outreach, Referral and Keep-In-Touch)

With Coach Davender
Conference Dial-in Number: (218) 339-4600 Participant Access Code: 191192#
(live teleconference, FREE - you pay the long-distance toll to the conference number)
This accountability call normally takes place every Tuesday at 2pm Eastern, same number. Join us!

Tuesday, February 10, 8pm-8:45pm Eastern
"Get More and Better Clients" Open Telecoaching with Coach Davender
Your Web Site: Four Myths and Fallacies That Could Cost You!

An open discussion about various aspects of attracting More and Better Clients so you can Power your Big Dream from Passion To Profit... without selling your soul!

Are you thinking of spending big money on a new web site (or improving the one you have)? Then you need to be aware of the myths and fallacies that could cost you, big time! In this telediscussion we well explore four widely held (but misguided) beliefs about web sites. You will also discover tips, tools and techniques that will save you thousands of dollars, as well as help you generate true trust and credibility on and off the Web.

With Coach Davender - Tuesday, Feb 10 2009, 8pm-8:55pm Eastern
Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 432-0800 Participant Access Code: 556643#
(live teleconference, FREE - you pay the long-distance toll to the conference number)
See the other calls for February here: http://is.gd/iltv

Wednesday, February 11, 3PM-4PM Eastern
AuthorTeleseminars.com: Get Content Get Customers
Hosted by Elizabeth Marshall with with Joe Pulizzi and Newt Barrett, Brian Clark, Rohit Bhargava

This is the 2nd call in the Get Content Get Customers book tour featuring Joe Pulizzi and Newt Barrett and experts Brian Clark (copyblogger) and Rohit Bhargava (big following on twitter). Content-based marketing is a remarkable opportunity for you to connect with customers like never before. (Hint: there's much more to it than just writing articles and blog posts.) They will discuss the key shifts and steps you must take in order to effectively reach customers and to leverage this powerful way of marketing. Their first call was a BIG hit, so I know this one will be great as well. (Hint - their first call has me re-thinking some basic assumptions about how I'm marketing myself!)

Hosted by Elizabeth Marshall of AuthorTeleseminars.com
Register to get dial-in number and links to recordings of past calls:
See the other AuthorTeleseminars.com calls for February here: http://is.gd/iLHc

Friday, February 13, 2PM-2:30PM Eastern
Book Yourself Solid Radio with Coach Davender and Coach Wil Hart
Turbocharge your Network with Business Networking Groups

This week, Certified Book Yourself Solid Coach Davender Gupta will receive Certified BYS Coach Wil Hart to discuss Networking Groups, especially BNI (Business Networking International). Business Networking groups are a powerful tool to implement the Networking and Referral strategies of the Seven Core Self-Promotion strategies in the Book Yourself Solid method. Both Davender and Wil have extensive experience being part of these groups, and will share practical tips and advice on how to make them work for you. Wil is a fun and loving gentleman who gets excited about almost everything that is good. Life is invigorating and he makes it his aim to derive as much joy as possible from each day! Wil is passionate about working with people who run their own business. In January of 2006 Wil and his wife Sydni Craig started Craig Hart Consulting as a springboard for her to work from home. Since then, they have cultivated the business growth of many of their clients by utilizing simple methods which help entrepreneurs save time and increase their profits. Find Wil at http://www.craighartconsulting.com Join this spirited discussion about how the Book Yourself Solid System can help you achieve business success, even if you hate marketing and selling!

Listen live through the web at http://is.gd/iz99 and access past shows with hosts Davender Gupta and Trish Lambert at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/bookyourselfsolid

See the full updated calendar at

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Saturday, February 07, 2009

Plug into the hottest ideas in Business and Marketing - AuthorTeleseminars for Feb

As an Ambassador for Liz Marshall's AuthorTeleseminars.com, I invite you to plug into the hottest ideas in Business, Marketing and Leadership, directly "from the author's mouth"!

CALL #1: Wednesday, Feb 11 at 3PM ET (Get Content Get Customers Book)

This is the 2nd call in the Get Content Get Customers book tour featuring Joe Pulizzi and Newt Barrett and experts Brian Clark (copyblogger) and Rohit Bhargava (big following on twitter). Content-based marketing is a remarkable opportunity for you to connect with customers like never before. (Hint: there's much more to it than just writing articles and blog posts.) They will discuss the key shifts and steps you must take in order to effectively reach customers and to leverage this powerful way of marketing. Their first call was a BIG hit, so I know this one will be great as well. (Hint - their first call has me re-thinking some basic assumptions about how I'm marketing myself!)
- Free registration and access to past calls:

CALL #2: Mon, Feb 16 at 12pm/Noon ET (It's Not What You Sell Book)

This book is big, with endorsements by Bill Clinton, Herb Kelleher, and Jim Collins. It's the first call for Roy Spence and his book, It's Not What You Sell, It's What You Stand For. In a nut shell, Roy talks about how remarkable companies always sell based on what they stand for and how having an authentic brand actually helps you sell more, not less. He gives a blueprint for discovering what you stand for and leveraging that with sales/customers. Roy's company is the GENIUS behind all the successful Southwest Airlines ads over the last 30 yrs - brilliant! (registration link to come)

CALL #3: Thurs, Feb 19 at 2pm ET (Rubies in the Orchard)

Lynda Resnick is a brilliant business woman - one that you have seen the evidence of her work. She's the genius behind POMwonderful, the pomegranate juice that created an entirely new industry that had Oprah raving about her product. She's also the reason that Fiji water is the number #1 bottled water company, with an 300% increase in sales since 2004. On the call, we wil talk about her key marketing secrets that have made her into one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the country. By the way, she rubs shoulders with some of the most well-known CEOs and celebrities, so she's someone you want to get to know! (registration link to come)

CALL #4: Thurs, Feb 26 at 1pm ET (Where's My Fifteen Minutes)

This is a single call for PR expert, Howard Bragman. His book is called, Where's My Fifteen Minutes: Getting Your Company, Your Cause or Yourself the Recognition You Deserve. He's the top PR firm in Los Angeles and the PR expert that many many celebrities have relied on for good PR. He's going to talk about how to position yourself for good publicity, how to leverage the PR outlets that are still working and mistakes to avoid. His book is very didactical and practical with lots of good tips. You will actually have a chance to ask live Q&A on this call - a great chance to pick his brain about the future of PR. (registration link to come)

If you want to succeed, you need to plug into these calls! Got questions? Contact me!

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Thursday, February 05, 2009

Upcoming Events: Building communities, Get clients, Don't touch that blog!

Here are some upcoming events:

Friday, February 6, 2:00pm-2:30pm Eastern
Book Yourself Solid Radio
Booked Solid Friday with Trish Lambert and Michael Port: Building Communities

Join Certified Book Yourself Solid Coach Trish Lambert as she welcomes Michael Port, author of the best-selling book “Book Yourself Solid”. Trish and Michael will talk about building communities, with Michael sharing his experience building online communities through his Book Yourself Solid 15-Week Intensives, his new Booked Solid member network, and his Think Big Revolution. Check out the Think Big Revolution Online Community at www.thinkbigrevolution.com

Listen live through the web at http://is.gd/hLcs and access past shows with hosts Davender Gupta and Trish Lambert at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/bookyourselfsolid

Tue, February 10, 2:00pm – 2:30pm Eastern

"Get More And Better Clients" Accountability Group with Davender

30 minutes of Laser-Focused Accountability, focused on helping you develop your network and get qualified referrals so you can book More and Better Clients. Report your successes big and small from the previous week, and share your Big Hairy Audacious Action Step for the next seven days! Your action step should be focused on Getting More and Better Clients.

With Coach Davender
Conference Dial-in Number: (218) 339-4600 Participant Access Code: 191192#
(live teleconference, FREE – you pay the long-distance toll to the conference number)

Tuesday, February 10, 8pm-8:45pm Eastern

"Get More and Better Clients" Open Telecoaching with Coach Davender

An open discussion about various aspects of attracting More and Better Clients so you can Power your Big Dream from Passion To Profit... without selling your soul!
Topic of the Week: Your Web Site: Four Myths and Fallacies That Could Cost You!
Are you thinking of spending big money on a new web site (or improving the one you have)? Then you need to be aware of the myths and fallacies that could cost you, big time! In this telediscussion we well explore four widely held (but misguided) beliefs about web sites. You will also discover tips, tools and techniques that will save you thousands of dollars, as well as help you generate true trust and credibility on and off the Web.

With Coach Davender - Tuesday, Feb 10 2009, 8pm-8:55pm Eastern
Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 432-0800 Participant Access Code: 556643#
(live teleconference, FREE – you pay the long-distance toll to the conference number)

See the full updated calendar at

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Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Newsletter: Selling is the highest form of leadership

Here is your thought of the moment:

"Selling is the art of influencing the actions of another person so that they willingly engage with you towards a shared, win-win outcome. Sales is the highest form of leadership."
- Coach Davender

I meet so many solopreneurs who have great talents and cool ideas – but what holds them back is that they believe “selling” is beneath them.

I effectively killed my first business, a technology consultancy, because of this attitude. I took the money that I borrowed from the bank thanks to my "brilliant" business plan, leased a class A office in a prestigious technology centre right by the airport, put up a brass nameplate on the door, and sat behind my desk waiting for the phone to ring. Which it did not.

Without clients to benefit from what we do in providing our products and services, we have nothing. Those who believe that they can "hire someone" to get clients for them are deluding themselves. If you outsource your sales, the trust connection is made between the client and the agent. And if the agent walks, so will your best clients. (Been there, got the t-shirt.)

What distinguishes a self-employed person from a solopreneur, is that a self-employed person is at the mercy of the client. Self-employed people surf from project to project, taking what they can get, just to survive to the next payday. Solopreneurs do the opposite: they first focus on building a network of contacts and positioning themselves in that network so the right and best clients come to them in a continuous flow.

I love it that now the phone rings a couple of times a week with people who say "Coach, help me!" They recognize the value of who I am and what I offer, and are ready to commit to action. No tirekickers or comparison shoppers here!

Sales takes time and effort. Expect to spend a third of your time in networking, prospecting, promotion and positioning activities. (Make sure you cover this time in your billable rates!). The effort you invest in building a stream of clients who appreciate the value you bring to them, and who are ready to commit to what you offer, will pay off big time.

Personally, I love the sales aspect of my project. I feel a freedom in going out and connecting with people. As I get more and better clients, I can improve how I deliver a result that makes my clients happier, while giving me the opportunity to live my passion. And my best clients become good friends!

Master the ultimate leadership skill of sales, and you will successfully make the transition from "self-employed" to "solopreneur". Life is so much better when opportunities come to you, rather than you having to chase them!

So, who will you bless today with a sales conversation?



p.s. An awesome resource that helped me love selling is http://www.justsell.com
They have a great free newsletter and informative downloads. Highly recommended.

Read the full newsletter - http://is.gd/ioMz
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